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Sponsors & Supporters

MOE would like to extend a huge heartfelt thank you to all of our sponsors and supporters. There’s just no getting around it—eventing at the International level is a very expensive endeavor. The training, competitions, veterinary care, plus travel expenses and lost income opportunities really add up quickly. Without the support of great sponsors and family and friends, Meghan’s journey would not be possible. Meghan would also like to thank all of the professional photographers for the use of their fantastic images throughout the site—especially Cindly Lawler, Shannon Brinkman and JJ Sillman.

Support the journey:

Donate today!

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Generous Supporters

Lisa & Roland Barr
Boskydell Pony Club
Treg & Karla Brown Family
Amanda Buday
Roberta Christie
Kim Connelly
Marty Crouthers
Kitty Davis
Earlbacher Family
Mary Erickson
Ann & Ray Forby
Cay & John Grenfell
Greene Family
Golz Family
Kanako Hayashi
Tony Hicks DVM
Debbie & Amberlyn Kapusta
Ann Kruger
Lucy Lammer
Debbie McBride Family

Stacey & Tim McBride
Monett Family
Nechvatal Family
Hal Pearlman
Monica Peters
Judi & Charlie Robinson
Lucia Ruth
Joe & Doris Rumfelt
Linda Sitton
Shiplett Family
Sobery Family
Annabelle & Melissa Staples
Ann Thompson
Jen Whitfield

Thank you to our sponsors:

Bluegrass Animal Products, Buckeye Nutrition, Equi In Style, Equine and Country, Freejump, Horse Education Company, Invictus Equestrian, KASK Helmets, Tri-County Feeds, Fashion, Finds, Sagmae, Ride Safe, LLC, Voltaire Design

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