Sponsorship Opportunities
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Corporate or product sponsorship is a great strategy for companies desiring increased exposure and market share in the equestrian market. Meghan comes into contact with thousands of spectators and other riders at events all around the United States, and through travel for competitions and teaching. Her connections with students, Pony Clubs, participants at clinics, owners and other professional riders make Meghan a great asset in marketing a sponsor’s product by creating a positive personal connection—especially with young riders who look up and identify with Meghan. Meghan is constantly offering advice on product choice from what saddle pad to buy to what grain to feed. These recommendations of products may create a loyal user for years to come. Examples of corporate and product sponsorship in action include:
Banner placement on stalls at major events across the country
Regular posts on MOE’s Facebook page and Twitter
Logo and link to the website on MOeventing.com
Meghan’s participation in signings, advertisements, promotional events, trade shows, seminars, and course walks.
If you are interested in corporate or product sponsorship, send an email to sponsors@moeventing.com.
Ownership Opportunities
Becoming an owner is a great way to be involved in the thrills and excitement of bringing a horse to the top levels of three-day eventing. Ownership can take many forms—some prefer to be a full owner, while others may choose to become a partial owner or syndicate a smaller percentage of a horse. If you are interested in becoming part of a horse’s journey to the top as an international hopeful, please contact Meghan to discuss how to come along for the ride of a lifetime.
Individual Donors
Monetary contributions in any amount made directly to Meghan are essential to pay for coaching, travel expenses, entry fees, horse care, and equipment. 100% of your donation will go directly to the competition horses. Checks should be made to Meghan O’Donoghue and mailed to the following address: 83 Furlong Lane Carbondale, IL 62902. You can also easily and instantly make a monetary donation via Paypal using the button at the top of the page.
Become a Supporter!
Join the journey and become a part of the Meghan O'Donoghue Eventing Team!