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MOE Announces Invictus Equestrian Sponsorship

Meghan O'Donoghue Eventing and Smith Equine Media, LLC are pleased to announce Team MOE's newest sponsor, Invictus Equestrian.

Invictus Equestrian has become well-known for their uniquely designed half pads that are only 1.1cm (0.43”) thick, completely breathable and lightweight, and ergonomically correct and flexible. These pads offer an unequalled level of protection against impact and pressure in a thin layer. Made possible with patented technology from D3O®: Intelligent, reactive molecules move together relative to pressure or impact and form a strategic barrier. Once pressure subsides, the protective layer returns to its soft, flexible state within split-seconds.

Invictus Equestrian

"The reason why I am excited to be able to be a part of your team [Meghan O'Donoghue Eventing] is that the ideal situation for my brand is are partnerships with riders, who are not only super talented, but also give proper training and care of/for their horses a high priority. If they are women, it’s even better, because even though the vast majority of the riders are female, when you get to the top, the ratio men/women changes drastically. I can’t believe that this is simply a question of talent - so I think it’s important that women owned businesses support women athletes." -Martine Fennelly

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